Faith Restored Credit Repair understands that establishing good credit is one of the best financial accomplishments you can achieve. We stand firm on the belief that educating our clients will empower them to better manage and maintain their credit, ultimately resulting in a better quality of life.
Most people understand that having a good credit history is important, but what they might not know is just how much their lives are affected by the quality of their credit scores.
Like many, I did not understand how credit worked. I had high inquiries, high credit utilization, and a poor payment history — all important factors that impacted my overall credit worthiness.
The fact is, having good credit offers all kinds of benefits including:
⁃ Get better rates on your car insurance
⁃ Increase your approval chances for rental and mortgage applications
⁃ Improve your chances of getting hired
and the list goes on. Even better — 60% of credit management is within your control and that’s what we here at Faith Restored Credit Repair hope to encourage you to do…take back control of your financial future.
By starting your credit repair journey with us, you are making a decision that will not only prove advantageous, but we will ensure that you are the captain of your ship by fully involving you in the process. Providing educational resources that will assist in growing your understanding of credit, lending, interest rates, and everything in between. All working in unison to address your current situation and prevent similar situations in the future.
Join the movement to be empowered to achieve financial freedom, build generational wealth, & restore your faith in credit building!
Already a member? Login into your Credit Repair Cloud account for updates and account details.
Faith Restored Credit Repair
5509 36th Avenue South, Fargo, North Dakota 58104, United States
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